A journey to the 4th Dimension
There was a day when dimension was unknown to humans. So they thought aliens as some type of Gods. This is still not sure whether gods are true or they are some aliens from different planet. If they are some aliens,then we can say that we are not alone... But how they came to earth. Because still our scientists are not able to find their home. So we can say that they are living far from us. If it is true then the question is how they were coming to this earth in a very short time ? Is there and secret path or some other way which is better than space and may be the way is unknown to us. May be that is the way where speed increases. If this is true than there may exist some other dimension other than third dimension. May be this the 4th dimension......
What is 4th dimension?
believe it is time. Mathematicians and scientists focus on the fact that it is
a direction different from all direction in normal space.( A sentence from wikipedia)
Dimension is that area which is created by the cross of 4 spaces.
Dimension is created by a simple point. 1st Dimension is created by
a straight line that goes through 0th dimensional point. 2nd
dimension is created by cross of 2 straight lines in 90 degree.
dimension is created by the cross of 3 planes in 90 degree. So it can be
imagined by the cross of 4 spaces in 90 degree.
Small discreption
The 0th Dimension
An object in the 0th dimension consists of only a
point. The name of the point is origin, from all the axes are originated.
The 1st Dimension
An object in the first dimension consists of only one of
fundamental units. For example a line
only has length.
A line is one
The 2nd Dimension
An object in the second dimension consists of two of the
fundamental units. For example, a square
has a length and a width. Notice that is
you stack lines on top of each other you creates a square, or an object in two
The 3rd Dimension
An object in the third dimension consists of three of the
fundamental units. For example, a cube
has a length, width and height. Notice
that is you stack squares on top of each other you creates a cube, or an object
in three dimensions.
The 4th Dimension
An object in the fourth dimension consists of four
units. For example, a hypercube has a
length, width, height and a fourth dimension that is perpendicular to all three
of the other units. Look at the corner
of the room and imagine extending a line perpendicular to all three lines at
the intersection. If you can visualize
stacking cubes into this fourth dimension you create a hypercube.
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